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![]() | Food-Info.net> Products > Coffee Coffee producing countries and regionsCoffee is produced in over 70 countries worldwide. Many of these countries have different regions with distinct types of coffee. The following list shows the main coffee producing countries, the main type of coffee grown and some well known local blends. Coffee is normally traded in bags of 60 kilo. Figures are approximate numbers.
Coffee types : Arabica Production : 150.000 bags With a landscape of snowy mountains, wide plateaus and tropical rain forests, Bolivia has ideal coffee-producing conditions. More than 90 percent of the coffee grown in Bolivia is produced in the Yungas area, a tropical region in La Paz with altitudes between 500 and 1,600 meters. Other important growing regions are Cochabamba, Santa Cruz and Tarija. The coffee has a fruity full flavour.
Coffee types : Arabica, Robusta Production : 35.000.000 bags Vast plantations of millions of trees cover the hills of south-central Brazil. For the commercial coffee industry, Brazil is of supreme importance, a giant in every respect. Despite all the coffee produced in Brazil, none ranks close to the world's best. The Brazilian coffee industry has concentrated from the beginning on producing "price" coffees: cheap, fairly palatable, but hardly distinguished. Bourbon Santos. Also known as Santos. A market name for a category of high-quality coffee from Brazil, usually shipped through the port of Santos, and usually grown in the state of São Paulo or the southern part of Minas Gerais State. The term Bourbon Santos is sometimes used to refer to any high-quality Santos coffee, but it properly describes Santos coffee from the Bourbon variety of arabica, which tends to produce a fruitier, more acidy cup than other varieties grown in Brazil. Rio. A class of dry-processed coffees from Brazil with a characteristic medicinal, iodine-like flavour deriving from invasion of a micro-organism during drying. The term Rioy or Rio-y has come to be applied to any coffee with similar taste characteristics. The Rio taste is considered a defect by North American buyers, but is sought after by buyers from Balkan and Middle-Eastern countries.
Coffee types : Arabica, Robusta Production : 500.000 bags Burundi possesses a tropical climate very convenient to the arabica coffee farming. Hills and mountains separating the waters of the two main rivers constitute an ideal environment for the cultivation of the arabica mild coffee. Grown throughout the country at altitudes ranging from 1,250 to 2,000 meters above the sea level, the coffee of Burundi is classified among the Eastern Africa quality mild arabica variety. Specialty coffee is marketed under the Ngoma brand name.
Coffee types : Arabica, Robusta Production : 1.000.000 bags Rich volcanic soil, high altitude, adequate rainfall—all of these things make Cameroon an ideal place for growing great coffee. Most of Cameroon 's coffee is grown by small landowners on plots of two to 10 hectares, and nearly all of it is grown in mixed-cropped farms. Cameroon coffee has a full-bodied, earthy, chocolaty flavour profile, along with a well-rounded finish with hints of red berries.
Coffee types : Robusta Production : 100.000 bags The Central African Republic only produces small amounts of coffee, which is a top-quality robusta, mainly exported to France and Italy for espresso.
Coffee types : Arabica Production : 11.000.000 bags Central Colombia is trisected from north to south by three cordilleras, or mountain ranges. The central and eastern cordilleras produce the best coffees. The standard Colombia coffee is a wet-processed coffee produced by small holders, and collected, milled and exported by the Colombian Coffee Federation. It is sold by grade (Supremo highest) rather than by market name or region. It can range from superb high-grown, classic, mildly fruity Latin-America coffee to rather ordinary, edge-of-fermented fruity coffee. Coffees from some estates and cooperatives and from privately operated mills are sold by region as well as by botanical variety (Bourbon is best). Nariño State in southern Colombia is currently producing the most respected Colombia coffee. Mixed Medellin, Armenia, and Manizales Columbia coffees are often sold together as MAMs. Bogotá. Market name from the region surrounding Colombia 's capital city Bucaramanga. Named after the town with the same name, this coffee is a soft-bean coffee, with some of the character of fine Sumatran coffees: heavy body, low acidity, and rich flavour tones. Cúcuta. Market name for a coffee grown in northeastern Colombia, but often shipped through Maracaibo, Venezuela. Excelso. A grade of Colombia coffee, combining the best, or supremo, and the second-best, or extra, grades. Extra. Second-best grade of Colombia coffee. Nariño. Department in southern Colombia that produces certain particularly admired specialty coffees. Supremo. Highest grade of Colombian coffee.
Coffee types : Arabica, Robusta Production : 600.000 bags Congolese coffee has a full-bodied, earthy flavour profile, similar to Cameroon. Mainly exported to France.
Coffee types : Arabica Production : 2.000.000 bags The best Costa Rica coffees display a full body and clean, robust acidity that make them among the most admired of Central American coffees. Costa Rican coffee is grown primarily in the countryside surrounding the capital, San Jose. Four of the most famous coffees by district are San Marcos de Tarrazu, Tres Rios, Heredia, and Alajuela. Altitude may be a more important factor in determining flavour than district. Unlike many coffees of the world, Costa Rican coffees generally are identified either by the estate or farm (finca) on which they were grown, or by cooperative or processing facility (beneficio) where they were processed. This piece of information, which is usually available to the roaster or importer, is seldom passed on to the consumer except in the case of well-known estates like Bella Vista or La Minita. Alajuela. Market name for one of the better coffees of Costa Rica. Heredia. Market name for a respected coffee of Costa Rica. La Minita, La Minita Farm. Well-publicized estate in the Tarrazu district of Costa Rica that produces an excellent, meticulously prepared coffee. Tarrazu, San Marcos de Tarrazu. Market name for one of the better coffees of Costa Rica. Tres Rios. Market name for one of the more respected coffees of Costa Rica.
Coffee types : Arabica Production : 275.000 bags Cuba produces a typical Caribbean coffee, mainly grown on lower altitudes as in neighbouring Dominican Republic and with similar flavour profile.
Coffee types : Arabica Production : 500.000 bags High-grown Dominican coffee is a fairly rich, acidy coffee with classic Caribbean characteristics. Lower grown Dominican coffees tend to be softer and less acidy. Bani. Market name for a good, low-acid coffee of the Dominican Republic. Barahona. Market name for coffee from the southwest of the Dominican Republic. Barahona is considered by many to be the best coffee of the Dominican Republic. Cibao. Market name for a good, generally low-acid coffee from the Dominican Republic. Ocoa. Market name for one of the better-respected coffees of the Dominican Republic.
Coffee types :Arabica, Robusta Production : 700.000 bags Ecuador coffees are medium-bodied and fairly acidy, with a straightforward flavour typical of Central and South American coffees.
Coffee types : Arabica Production : 1.300.000 bags El Salvador coffees tend toward softer, less acidy versions of the classic Central America flavour profile. The best high-grown El Salvadors from trees of the bourbon and pacamara varieties can be fragrant, complex, lively, and pleasingly gentle. Strictly High-Grown. Highest grade of El Salvador coffee.
Coffee types : Arabica Production : 4.500.000 bags Ethiopia is a very complex coffee origin. The best Ethiopia dry-processed coffee (Harrar or Harar) tends to be medium-bodied and brilliantly acidy with rough, fruity or winy tones. The best washed Ethiopian coffee (Yirgacheffe, Sidamo) is light-bodied but explosive with complex floral and citrus notes. Djimah, Djimma, Jimma. Washed Djimah can be an excellent low-acid coffee. Dry-processed Djimah is a lesser coffee often exhibiting wild or medicinal taste characteristics and is not often traded as a speciality coffee. Ghimbi, Gimbi. A wet-processed coffee from western Ethiopia. Limu. Market name for a respected fragrant, floral- and fruit-toned wet-processed coffee from south-central Ethiopia. Sidamo, Washed Sidamo. Market name for a distinguished light-to-medium bodied, fragrantly floral or fruity wet-processed coffee from southern Ethiopia. Yirgacheffe, Yirga Cheffe, Yrgacheffe. Market name for one of the most admired washed coffees of Ethiopia, distinguished by its fruit-like or floral acidity and high-toned, complex flavour.
Coffee types : Arabica, Robusta Production : 3.700.000 bags The best Guatemalan coffees have a very distinct, spicy or, better yet, smoky flavour that sets them apart from all other coffees. They are very acidy, and the spiciness or smokiness comes across as a twist to the acidy tones. The finest Guatemalan coffees are medium to full in body and rich in flavour. Strictly Hard Bean grade coffees from the central highlands (Antigua, Atitlan,) tend to exhibit a rich, spicy or floral acidity and excellent body. Coffees from mountainous areas exposed to either Pacific (San Marcos) or Caribbean (Cobán, Huehuetenango) weather tend to display a bit less acidity and more fruit. Well-known Guatemalan estates include San Miguel, Capitillo, San Sebastian, and Los Volcanos. Antigua. Market name for one of the most distinguished coffees of Guatemala, from the valley surrounding the old capital of Guatemala Antigua. Cobán. Market name for a respected high-grown coffee from north-central Guatemala. Huehuetenango. One of the better coffees of Guatemala.
Coffee types : Arabica Production : 4.500.000 bags
Coffee types : Arabica Production : 370.000 bags The best Haiti coffees are low-acid, medium-bodied, and pleasantly soft and rich. Haiti 's heavy rainfall and deep volcanic soil combined with low growing altitudes may account for the mellow sweetness that distinguishes the best Haitian coffee. Strictly High-Grown Washed. Highest grade of Haiti coffee.
Coffee types : Arabica Production : 3.000.000 bags Honduran coffee is wet-processed and mainly used as a rather cheap blending coffee. Some excellent coffees are grown in the country, but they are often blended before they are exported.
Coffee types : Arabica, Robusta Production : 4.600.000 bags Indian coffee is grown in the south of the country. The best is low-key, with moderate body and acidity and occasional intriguing nuance; at worst it is bland. Coffees from the Shevaroys and Nilgiris districts generally tend to display more acidity than coffees from other south India regions. Monsooned Coffee (Monsooned Malabar). A typical dry-processed single-origin coffee from south India deliberately exposed to monsoon winds in open warehouses, with the aim of increasing body and reducing acidity. Mysore, India Mysore. Mysore is a market name for certain high-quality wet-processed India coffees grown in the south of the country.
Coffee types : Arabica, Robusta Production : 6.700.000 bags Indonesia coffees are of varying quality and usually marketed under the name of the island of origin; like Sumatra, Sulawesi, Java or Timor. At best, most are distinguished by full body, rich flavour, and a low-toned, vibrant acidity. At worst, they may display unpleasant hard or musty defects. Others display an earthiness which many coffee lovers enjoy and others deplore. Ankola. Market name for arabica coffee from northern Sumatra. Celebes. Former name of the island of Sulawesi. Most come from the Toraja or Kalossi growing region in the southeastern highlands. At best, distinguished by full body, expansive flavour, and a low-toned, vibrant acidity. Gayo Mountain. Market name for coffee exported by a large processing center and mill in Aceh Province, northern Sumatra. Wet-processed Gayo Mountain tends to be a clean but often underpowered version of the Sumatra profile. Traditionally processed Gayo Mountain resembles similar coffees from the Mandheling region of Sumatra: at best displaying a quirky flavour and a low-toned, vibrant acidity. Kalossi. A growing region in the southeastern highlands of Sulawesi. Java, Java Arabica. Unlike most other Indonesia coffees, which are grown on tiny farms and often primitively processed, Java coffees are grown on large farms or estates, most operated by the government, and are wet-processed using modern methods. The best display the low-toned richness characteristic of other Indonesia coffees, but are usually lighter in body and more acidy. Old Java, Old Government, or Old Brown are mature coffees from Java, created to mimic the flavour characteristics of the original Java coffee, which was inadvertently aged in the holds of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century ships during their passage to Europe. Lintong, Mandheling Lintong. Market name for the most admired coffee of Sumatra, Indonesia. From the Lake Toba area toward the northern end of the island. Luwak, Kopi Luwak. Coffee from Sumatra, Indonesia, distinguished not by origin, but by the uniquely intimate way it is processed. A mammal called a luwak, or civet cat, eats ripe coffee cherries, digests the fruit, and excretes the seeds, after which the seeds or beans are gathered from its dry droppings. Kopi luwak is one of the most expensive coffees in the world owing to obvious limitations on its production. Sumatra. Single-origin coffee from the island of Sumatra, Indonesia. Most high-quality Sumatra coffee is grown either near Lake Toba (Mandheling, Lintong) or in Aceh Province, near Lake Biwa (Aceh, Gayo Mountain). Timor. Single-origin coffee from Timor (East and West). Timor coffee was a classic origin in the early years of the 20th century. Toraja. Market name for coffee from southwestern Sulawesi.
Coffee types : Robusta Production : 2.500.000 bags Ivory Coast is one of the largest African coffee producers. The richly flavoured coffee is e specially popular among soluble coffee producers, who appreciate the excellent extraction yield.
Coffee types : Arabica Production : 40.000 bags Jamaica Blue Mountain is, or was, a balanced, classic coffee with rich flavour, full body, and a smooth yet vibrant acidity. These characteristics and its relatively short supply have made it one of the world's most celebrated coffees. Lower-grown Jamaica coffees (Jamaica High Mountain) tend to be less acidy and lighter in body. Other Jamaica coffees are undistinguished.
Coffee types : Arabica Production : 1.000.000 bags Kenya coffees are celebrated for their deep, winy acidity, resonant cup presence, and complex fruit and berry tones. Of the world's great coffees, Kenyan probably is the most consistent in quality and most widely available. The coffee is raised both on small peasant plots and on larger plantations.
Coffee types : Arabica, Robusta Production : 700.000 bags Madagascar produces coffee in many parts of the island. The celebrated Kouillou variety produces coffee whose highly distinctive flavour is still highly rated in France.
Coffee types : Arabica Production : 25.000 bags Most Malawi coffee is grown on larger estates and distinguished by a rather soft, round profile.
Coffee types : Arabica Production : 4.200.000 bags Most Mexican coffee comes from the southern part of the country, where the continent narrows and takes a turn to the east. Vera Cruz State, on the gulf side of the central mountain range, produces mostly lowland coffees, but coffees called Altura (High) Coatepec, from a mountainous region near the city of that name, have an excellent reputation. Other Vera Cruz coffees of note are Altura Orizaba and Altura Huatusco. Coffees from Chiapas State are grown in the mountains of the southeastern-most corner of Mexico, near the border with Guatemala. Altura. "Heights" in Spanish; describes Mexico coffee that has been high- or mountain-grown. Chiapas. Coffee-growing state in southern Mexico. The best Chiapas coffees are grown in the southeast corner of the state near the border with Guatemala, and may bear the market name Tapachula after the town of that name. At their best, Chiapas or Tapachula coffees display the brisk acidity, delicate flavour, and light to medium body of the better known Mexican coffees of Oaxaca and Vera Cruz States. Coatepec. Market name for a respected washed coffee from the northern slopes of the central mountain range in Veracruz State, Mexico. Oaxaca. Market name for coffee from the southern Mexico state of Oaxaca. Primo Lavado (Prime Washed). A grade of Mexico coffee that includes most of the fine coffees of that country.
Coffee types : Arabica Production : 1.400.000 bags Nicaragua coffees are excellent but usually not distinguished coffees in the classic Central-American style: medium-bodied, straightforwardly acidy, and flavourful. Matagalpa. Market name for a respected coffee of Nicaragua. Jinotega. Market name for a respected Nicaragua coffee.
Coffee types : Arabica Production : 150.000 bags Coffee produced in Panama is sweet, bright and balanced, and similar to coffee from the Tres Rios region of Costa Rica. This wet-processed coffee is often used for blending, but is excellent served as a breakfast brew.
Coffee types : Arabica, Robusta Production : 1.200.000 bags The best-known New Guinea coffees are produced on very large, state of the art estates that produce a very well-prepared, clean, fragrant, deeply dimensioned, moderately acidy coffee. Other organically grown New Guinea coffees are produced on small farms and processed by the farmers using technically simple means, producing quirky, full, complex coffees at best.
Coffee types : Arabica Production : 2.700.000 bags The best Peruvian coffee is flavourful, aromatic, gentle, and mildly acidy. Chanchamayo from south-central Peru, and Urubamba, from a growing district farther south near Machu Picchu, are the best-known market names.
Coffee types : Arabica, Robusta Production : 500.000 bags
Coffee types : Arabica Production : 500.000 bags
Coffee types : Arabica, Robusta Production : 750.000 bags Most Tanzanian coffee is grown on the slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro and Mt. Meru, near the Kenyan border. These coffees are called Kilimanjaro or named after main towns and shipping points (Arusha, Moshi). Smaller amounts of arabica are grown much farther south, between Lake Tanganyika and Lake Nyasa, and are usually called Mbeya, after one of the principal towns, or Pare, a market name. The best and most characteristic Tanzanian coffees display a rich flavour and full body, with a vibrantly winy acidity that makes them resemble the coffees of neighbouring Kenya. Others are softer, gentler coffees.
Coffee types : Robusta Production : 750.000 bags
Coffee types : Robusta Production : 170.000 bags Togo is a small producer with typical West-African style coffee. The Niaouli variety is regarded as among the best coffee grown in the country.
Coffee types : Arabica, Robusta Production : 2.700.000 bags The finest Uganda arabica displays the winy acidity and other flavour characteristics of the best East African coffees, but is less admired than the finest Kenya or Zimbabwe, owing to generally lighter body and less complex flavour. Bugishu, Bugisu. Market name for arabica coffee from the slopes of Mt. Elgon. Considered the best Uganda coffee.
Coffee types : Arabica, Production : 800.000 bags The best Venezuelan coffee comes from the far western corner of the country, the part that borders Colombia. Coffees from this area are called Maracaibos, after the port through which they are shipped, and include one coffee, Cucuta, that is actually grown in Colombia, but is shipped through Maracaibo. Coffees from the coastal mountains farther east are generally marked Caracas, after the capital city, and are shipped through La Guaira, the port of Caracas. Caracas. A class of coffees from the Caracas region, ranging from fair to excellent in quality. Lavado Fino. Best grade of Venezuela coffee. Maracaibo. A class of coffees, including many of the most characteristic and distinguished coffees of the country. Mérida. Market name for one of the most respected and most characteristic Venezuela coffees, delicate and sweet in the cup. Trujillo. Market name for a type of Maracaibo cofee Tachira. Market name for a type of Maracaibo cofee
Coffee types : Robusta Production : 11.000.000 bags Coffee originally came to Vietnam in the mid-nineteenth century when French missionaries brought arabica trees from the island of Bourbon and planted them around Tonkin. They flourished and presently the coffee industry is growing so rapidly that Vietnam is rapidly becoming one of the world's largest producers. Today, small plantations, located in the southern half of the country, produce mostly robusta coffee. Vietnamese coffee has a light acidity and mild body with a good balance. It is frequently used for blending.
Coffee types : Arabica Production : <100.000 bags Arabian Mocha. Single-origin coffee from the southwestern tip of the Arabian peninsula, bordering the Red Sea, in the mountainous regions of Yemen. The world's oldest cultivated coffee, distinguished by its full body and distinctively rich, winy acidity. Ismaili. Market name for a respected coffee from central Yemen. Also describes a traditional botantical variety of Yemen coffee with round, pea-like beans and superior cup quality. Mattari, Matari. Market name for one of the most admired coffees of Yemen. From the Bani Mattar area west of the capital city of Sana'a. Usually a winier, sharper version of the Yemen style. Sanani. A comprehensive market name for coffees from several growing regions west of Sana'a, the capital city. Usually a lower-toned, somewhat less acidy version of the Yemen style.
Coffee types : Arabica Production : 100.000 bags Zambian coffee tends toward the softer, less acidy version of the Africa profile.
Coffee types : Arabica Production : 100.000 bags Zimbabwe coffee exhibits excellent cup presence and the vibrant, winy acidity characteristic of East Africa coffees. Some rank it second in quality only to Kenya among Africa coffees. Most is grown along the eastern border with Mozambique. Chipinga. Region in eastern Zimbabwe that produces the most admired coffees of the country. Other producing countries : Angola, Benin, China, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Ghana, Guyana, Laos, Liberia, Malaysia, New Caledonia, Nigeria, Paraguay, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, Trinidad and Tobago, United States (Hawaii, Puerto Rico) and others Combined approx. 1.000.000 bags Sources :
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