An initiative of :

Stichting Food-Info> E-numbers > E300-400

E334 Tartaric acid

Natural acid, present in many fruits, especially grapes. Commercially prepared from waste products of the wine industry (grape skins).

Function & characteristics:
Acidity regulator and taste enhancer of fruits and fruity flavours, as well as stabiliser of colour in fruits and fruit products.

Many products, mainly confectionery, soft drinks, wine, and marmalade.

Acceptable Daily Intake:
Up to 30 mg/kg body weight.

Side effects:
It is not metabolised in the body; thus, it is excreted in the urine without side effects.

Dietary restrictions:
Tartaric acid and tartarates can normally be consumed by all religious groups, vegans and vegetarians. is an initiative of Stichting Food-Info, The Netherlands

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